Understand how to use the loyalty points here at Planet Applique. Due to issues with our loyalty program provider, points and rewards will be discontinued on March 31st.  We will continue our search for a new loyalty program provider, however, points will not transfer. Use rewards you have earned before they dissappear.

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A Word From Your Designer

"Hi, I'm Becca. I am a mom of three and married to my best friend, Corey. Crafting is more than just a hobby for me—it’s a lifeline. Without it, I’d be lost. I’ve experienced the frustration of trying and failing at projects, but I never give up. Each stitch, each pattern, is a chance to learn something new. I believe in the power of creativity to heal, to inspire, and to bring joy. Through Planet Applique, I hope to share that joy with you. Our whole family works together to bring you new projects and experiences in embroidery.  Thank you for trusting us with your next  project!"