Description Description Hide Show Comes in uppercase and lowercase letters Aa-Zz, numbers 0-9. Comes in sizes : 1", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 4", 5"
Gabby Applique Alphabet Embroidery Design Font $8.00 $4.22 COMES IN UPPERCASE LETTERS A-Z AND NUMBERS 0-9. COMES IN SIZES: 2 HALF INCH, 4X4, 5INCH, 5X7, 6X10, 2.99X12
Collegiate Open Embroidery Font Design Alphabet $8.00 $4.22 Comes in uppercase and lowercase letters Aa-Zz and numbers 0-9 and punctuations ?! and .
James Open Embroidery Font Design Alphabet $8.00 $4.22 Comes in uppercase and lowercase letters Aa-Zz and numbers 0-9 with punctuation . !? Also come in seven different size: 1/2", 1" , 2" , 3", 4", 5", 6"
Open Sea Embroidery Font Design Alphabet $8.00 $4.22 Comes in uppercase and lowercase letters Aa-Zz, numbers 0-9 and punctuation ?!.&. Comes in sizes: 1", 2", 3", 4", 5"